The Urban Resource Center of Burkina Faso (URCBF-CRUBF)
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The Tribulations of a Sahelian Traveler
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Urbanization and urban policies in Burkina
Urban Growth/Croissance Urbaine au Burkina
Politique Nationale de l'Habitat
Code de l'urbanisme et de la construction BF
Urban profile in Burkina Faso
Legal docs on the Urban Master Plan of Burkina (click here to search:SDAU)
World Bank's urban infrastructure services
WB: Upgrading low income urban settlements
Funding Urban farmers and urban agriculture in Burkina Faso
Association Burkina Municipal Cities
Monographies of Communes (great resources on urban and rural communes, major construction works, etc.)
SONATUR (National Company for Urban Land Management)
Directorate for Habitat and Housing Promotion
Blog on Ouagadougou's architecture
The Gurunsi Architecture in Burkina Faso
Architecture & Cultures Constructives du Burkina by Basile KERE
Observatory of Burkina's cities (Bobo, Koudougou, Ouaga)
UN-Habitat Burkina docs
Some Burkina communes' and cities' websites
Fada N'Gourma
Burkina regional map by IGB
INSD (National Institute of Statistics and Demography)
Geographic Institute of Burkina Faso
Mémoires et thèses de l'Université polytechnique de Bobo-Dioulasso (Burkina Faso)
CountryStat Burkina Faso
Burkina cities & populations
Programme national de gestion des terroirs (PNGT 2)
Burkina map databank from IRD
Online theses on Burkina
Theses on Burkina at Library & Archives Canada
Political and legal issues
Brief history of Burkina Faso
Burkina Faso overview
Burkina Faso by Maison des Francais de l'Etranger
West African History
Metallurgy in Burkina
Pottery in Burkina
Statutes in Burkina
The Kassena people in Burkina
The Lobi people in Burkina
The Senoufo people in Burkina
Manega Museum by Pacere Tintenga
Burkina Faso online
IDEA's suggested resources on Burkina
SIL Burkina Faso
Burkina's major cultural festivals
FESPACO (Pan-African Film Festival of Ouagadougou
SIAO (International Arts & Craft Show of Ouagadougou)
SNC (Semaine Nationale de la Culture)
FITMO (International Festival of Success and Puppets of Ouagadougou)
Festival Jazz a Ouaga
Ouaga Hip Hop
Gender issues
Burkina's Ministry for Women's Promotion
Burkina National Gender Policy
Gender blog on Burkina
Women & Development Burkina
Gender in Sudan & Burkina by Michael Kevane
Women's Labor in Burkina by Michael Kevane
Burkina's Gender Assessment by World Bank
Gender resources on Africa
Economy, poverty
and development
PRSP 2008
World Bank's data on Burkina
The Social & Economic Council of Burkina
Burkina's Ministry of Finance & Economy
Burkina PME-PMI
Land tenure and land management
Land Reform Act
Land legal deed delivery modality 2007
Burkina's Ministry of Territorial Administration & Decentralization
Rural Hub
GRAF (Groupe de Recherche d'Action sur le Foncier
GRAF other site
West African Land Network
Legal and political data bank of Burkina
Controlling Government's Action by Prof Loada
Supporting democratic development in Burkina
CNSS (National Social Security Bank)
National Assembly of Burkina Faso
Ministry of Justice
Ministry for the Promotion Human Rights
Parliament of Francophone West Africa
Other urban resources
Eldis-Urban governance
Urban studies & planning MIT courseware
100 open courses on urban studies & planning
Urban anthropology overview
Urban anthropology French
Urban Sociology Lab French
Mixed, diversified neighborhood & urban planning French
Development Planning Unit's working papers
Urban sociology links
Community & urban sociology
Urban sociological theories
Understanding urban governance
Urban studies digital bibliography
The BEST urban planning & development websites by planetizen from 2002-2010
Institute on urban geography
Urban spectacles by Gotham
Residual & Urban Space Theory
ISTED-Villes en developpement
Documentation center on urbanism
Urban renewal: South Africa
Urban renewal overview
How to Architect...
Comprendre l'architecture/Understanding architecture
Roman architecture
Japanese architecture via Shin Takamatshu
Achitectural videos
Urban resources on Africa
WB: review on informal settlement in Africa
Urbanization in French Speaking Africa
IRD online resources
Urban studies in francophone Africa
African Institute of Urban Management
African urban history by Laurent Fourchard
International Research Group Program on Cities in Africa
African cities reader
Center for African Cities
Brief profile of African cities
Architect Africa online
Portail des villes africaines
Reseau villes Africaines
Online theses on urbanization
Slum Shack Dwellers
Planetizen on urban planning, theories & policies
Theses on Urbanism at Library & Archives Canada
Urban resources at Crevilles
Geography of urban warfare
Fire, violence and urban landscape
Urban research in the Middle East & Elsewhere
Architectural drawing online (dessin architectural en ligne):faire votre plan comme un architect gratuitement
Batiplans logiciel gratuit pour vos plans de maison
Idees maisons logiciel de plans de maison (gratuit)
Plans et constructions de maison (gratuit)
Logiciels gratuits de dessins techniques
Ecole Chez-soi (apprendre les dessins techniques)
Human Movement & Forced displacement resources
Committee for Emergency and Rehabilitation Assistance in Burkina
Center on Housing Rights & Evictions
Forced Migration resources
Internal Displacement Monitoring Center
International Strategy for Disaster Reduction
Disaster prevention and risk reduction information
International Network on Displacement & Resettlement
Ted Downing's website on forced eviction
People's Movement for Human Rights learning
Migration information (a great website on migration. To be visited for data on African migration!)
Other Africa-related web resources
An A-Z of African Studies on the Internet by Peter Limb (Great resource!)
IRD's documents key-word based
Columbia University's Africa links
African Security Research Project
African Human Security Initiative
World Bank's data source
West Africa Review
ROCARE/ERNWACA's virtual library
Urban planning
African government-based urban websites
Ghana's Ministry of Water Resources, Works & Housing
Cote d'Ivoire: Ministère de la Ville et de la Salubrité urbaine
Abidjan and urbanization
Anthropology & sociology sites
Open source for films with Native American content
Film archives on anthropology and more
The archaeology channel
Anthropology portal
MIT anthropology links
Sociocultural anthropology tutorials
Classique des sciences sociales (free online access!)
Urban field glossary
Urbanism documentation center France
French-English-Spanish glossary on urbanism
Urban Geography Glossary
Urban field glossary
Glossaire de l'urbanisation
Glossaire urbanisme architecture environnement
Acronymes en urbanisme
Home building manual glossary
Construction glossary
Construction Jargon
Dry stone rural architecture glossary (French-English)
Copyright© 2010. The Urban Resource Center of Burkina Faso (Le Centre des Ressources Urbaines du Burkina Faso). All rights reserved
Michel Tinguiri